Categories: Animals/Pets

Man Broke Into Hot Car After Seeing Puppy Struggling To Breathe

puppy rescue cover.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Man Broke Into Hot Car After Seeing Puppy Struggling To Breathe

When your instincts tell you something seems strange, follow them – because it can help you or the others a great deal.


In fact, when a man followed his guts after hearing a strange noise, he was able to save a life.

During a Kansas City Royals baseball game, one of the fans named Michael Warner left a little bit early with his family to go back home.

Image via The Weather Channel
Image via The Weather Channel

That’s when he heard something, or someone, whimpering from the parking lot.
Curious, and a bit worried, Michael decided to follow the noise and saw the unthinkable.
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It was nearly 90 degrees on this day, and someone had left a puppy inside a car with just a little bit of window cracked open.

The authorities are guessing that the owner probably thought it was ok to leave him there, and went into watch the game.


This poor puppy was in an urgent need of help – being dehydrated and overheated. His paws were red from the heat.

Image via Kansas City
Image via Kansas City

In fact, according to the SF Globe, one of the reasons why Michael’s family left early was because it was too hot.

So guess how this young animal would’ve felt – stuck in the car.

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Quickly, Michael and his family rushed to rescue the puppy – they first called 911, and reported to the Royals staff about the dog in the parking lot. Then, Michael reached into the car to grab him.

The dog was rushed to get care, and one of the staff members from the Royals waited by the car to catch the owner. However, no one showed up. Even though the staff left a note on the car, the Royals apparently never heard back from the owner.

Image via Kansas City

Thankfully, the puppy is in a much better shape!
He’s now at the KC Pet Project shelter, waiting to be adopted.


I just can’t believe someone would be so thoughtless! A terrible thing would’ve happened if Michael hadn’t found the puppy trapped in the car.

Please SHARE this post with your friends and family and let’s all remind ourselves to protect and care for animals.

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