Southern California nursing home that had 84 residents was evacuated.
All the elderly residents of the home were moved out because the staff failed to come for two days in a row. There was no one to take care of the elderly in the home.
The Southern California nursing home was hit by the coronavirus outbreak. About 34 patients were reported to have tested positive for the virus along with 5 staff members.
Riverside County Public Health Department, the managing authority of the home said that all the 84 residents of the house have been moved to different homes. This happened because only one staff member showed up to work in 2 days.
It was mentioned that while 13 staff members were scheduled to come to work that day, only one showed up. This turned out to be complicated and happened two days in a row. The patients then had to move urgently on the same day.
Because the house also had 34 patients with coronavirus, the receiving homes were informed of the same.
Special measures were taken to reassure the safety of all the patients. Proper measures were taken to control the contamination of the virus to other patients in other homes.
The protective measures also include no further admission of a new patient in a particular home. The number of staff members working on the home has also been cut down.
The staff members are not allowed to work at any other home for a while. The patients are being kept in complete isolation with a 24-hour observation being carried on them.
Riverside County region had more than 1,000 positive cases out of which there are 28 deaths registered. Till now only 67 people have recovered in the region.
Due to age, the challenge for the homes is very higher. The elderly fall in the high-risk category and keeping them safe and protected is the only way to save their lives in the current situation.
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