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NYC To Outlaw HOT DOGS And Other Processed Meats Over Climate Change

Watch to learn more about the outlaw of processed meats.


Video credit: Gateway Pundit

New York City is considering to outlaw “processed meats” including the city’s signature encased meat, the hot dog, in a bid to make New Yorkers more conscious about climate change.

According to New York’s version of the “Green New Deal” signed into law by Mayor Bill de Blaiso last week, the denizens will be forced to make healthy, environment-friendly food choices when they won’t find “problematic” dishes on the menus, radio station Z100 reports.


“The plan will cut purchases of red meat by 50 percent in its city-controlled facilities such as hospitals, schools, and correctional facilities,” Z100 says.

“The new commitment builds off of the Meatless Mondays campaign that was adopted by all NYC schools in 2017.”


According to the deal, processed meats and hot dogs will be prohibited from city facilities where they’re used in bulk such as city-run cafeterias located in jails, schools, and city office buildings.

Thankfully, the denizens and the tourists will still find their favorite hot dog carts in Times Square.


While signing the Green New Deal, de Blasio noted that the residents of the city would’ve to sacrifice some of their interests if they want to save Mother Earth.


The mayor added how they would consider expanding the program’s ban if the current scheme doesn’t reduce carbon emissions in the city.

“It is a difficult plan. It is a necessary plan. … Estimates that tell us that we have only 12 years to get it right. Let’s be clear, we have until 2030 to change things fundamentally, or our lives won’t be the same,” de Blasio said.


The NYC’s GND demands nationalization of certain industries, including health care, like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s plan, and aims to reduce carbon emissions in the city to “net zero” by 2050 like the “national” Green New Deal.


The goals of the NYC’s GND include a “car-free” city, fair wages, public education improvements, affordable housing, modern infrastructure, and a universal health care plan for all New Yorkers by 2050.


In addition to the food bans, the deal also contains programs designed to “address systematic oppression” within the city boundaries, as well as a first-in-the-nation “congestion charge” for cars traveling in and out of Manhattan.


Placing bans on hot dogs and processed meats will have a positive impact on the environment, something which is also outlined by the national Green New Deal.

The aim is to completely end the livestock cultivation as red meat has an extensive environmental footprint caused by factors ranging from methane-producing cattle to the emissions from the grills.


Environmentalists believe the processes of producing, handling, packaging, and delivering red meat, especially the processed one, are among the biggest contributors to climate change.



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