Categories: lifenews

NYPD Officers May Go On Strike On July 4th As A Retribution For Anti-Police Movements

As protests over the death of George Floyd while he was under police custody continues, various slogans and catchphrases have been heard in the streets.


One of the more radical and most talked about is the call to ‘defund the police’.

ⓒ – Politico

While the exact meaning and requests behind the slogan is varied, the core of the message is that the American police force has been given way too much money to complete tasks that the police are ill-equipped for, such as taking care of the mentally ill.


In other words, it calls for police reformation by allocating less money to the police departments and rerouting them to be used by educators or social service workers who have been trained and qualified in some areas where the police currently does much of the work.


Every reformation that involves budget decreases stirs controversies and protests from the organization. The New York Post has reported that there is now a movement within the New York Police Department (NYPD) to go on a strike on July 4th, American Independence Day.

ⓒ – QNS.com

The NY Post reported that the multiple cops who have spoken with them have disclosed that there is brewing sentiment within their department to go on a preemptive strike as retribution for the increased hostility towards the police.


One message went so far as to specify a date and time – 3pm on July 4th – when the officers will start going on strike. Various other messages, all with their rather passive-aggressive tones, have called for the police officers to let NYC enjoy independence without the police.


It is rather difficult for public workers like the police to go on strike because of the Taylor Law, which grants authorities the right to fine and imprison workers who refuse to work. One message read that there is no need for them to honor the code when society is not honoring the police force.

ⓒ – Picasa via Wikimedia Commons

As of now, it is yet unclear as to how many if any police officers will take part in the strike. Some have suggested slyer methods, such as calling in sick to ensure that they are not held accountable for going on strike. NYPD has not released an official statement on this issue.


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