An obstetrician-gynaecologist who has almost 17 years of experience shared a post on a Facebook page Scary Mommy , as a response to Alabama’s law, which only allows abortions to stop a serious health risk.
OB / GYN found that breaking this law can be a jail or life sentence for up to 99 years. She started by inviting people to come to their examination hall.
“Just for a moment, to listen to the stories I have heard from women. Listen carefully to what is said to me behind closed doors.”
She wrote in a Facebook post: ‘’I have been an ob/gyn for almost 17 years.point 183 | And I would like to invite you to come into my exam room just for a moment, to listen to the stories I have heard from women.point 282 |
Listen carefully to what is said to me behind closed doors.point 49 | And then get the f**k out, you and your decisions about her life don’t belong there….point 127 | I can’t afford to feed my children I have now.point 166 | ’’point 172 | 1
‘’I fear for my life. I went into heart failure with my last pregnancy. My tubes were tied, I never intended to have more kids. I’m starting grad school in a week. I had an affair and made a mistake and I don’t want to break up my family. I am alone. I had a one night stand and don’t know who the father is. I was raped. I am 13 years old.’’
‘’I’m 48 years old. I have breast cancer and am getting chemotherapy. My uterus ruptured during my last pregnancy. My diabetes is completely uncontrolled. This pregnancy put me in kidney failure. I have malignant melanoma. My baby has multiple anomalies. I’m worried I will kill myself if I keep this pregnancy. I don’t want a baby right now. I don’t want to be pregnant.’’
‘’Here’s the thing. Even with all those statements, the truth is, it should not matter. You don’t need a reason other than, this is your choice.’’
‘’My body. My choice.
And if I get sent to prison for 99 years for taking care of my patient during such a personal and difficult decision, we have gone too far!’’
Women thanked her for this post in comments.
One wrote: ‘’Thank you for sharing.point 190 | People/women may still choose to keep their babies for religious or ethical reasons if they so wish but that should be THEIR CHOICE ALONE and I respect them for that too.point 330 |
Very few people will have an abortion without a long hard consideration first.point 66 | It is for no one else to decide in my opinion – certainly not a bunch of men.point 132 | ’’point 138 | 1
‘’ Whoever made this post: I love you so much. Thank you for your brave (and educated- in the trenches point of view). It’s really is NO ONE’s business but the women who is in that office,’’ wrote another.
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