If you’ve ever worked in a large office, you’re probably familiar with the stress of having your things stolen.
From your yogurt that you diligently labeled and left in the fridge for no more than a few hours, to your stapler, markers, and even personal items that you leave out on your desk, you’ve probably had a few things go missing.
Not bringing food or office supplies to work isn’t an option, so you have to hope that no one takes your things. After all, you’re all adults, right?
You have to trust the people you work with. Besides posting a series of passive-aggressive notes, there aren’t many effective ways to stop office theft from happening.
For YouTube user Searchforliveful, that wasn’t good enough. He found a way to hold one particular office thief accountable.
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The office worker noticed that food was going missing from his desk. At first he was patient, but after a month of things going missing, he decided to catch the thief in the act.
He set up his computer to record video while he was away.
He quickly identified the thief as one of the maintenance people that worked in his office. But what could he do next? Knowing who is stealing and stopping them from stealing are two different games.
And that’s when Searchforliveful came up with a brilliant idea. He set up a trap for the thief.
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Wanting the stealing to end, he set up his web came yet again. But this time he also added a screen saver to his computer that identified the thief.
It said, “I know who you are. Stop stealing my things, or I will report you.” He included three photos of the person who was stealing his food.
He recorded his office mates reacting to his screen saver. What ensues next is karmic justice.
Lucky for us, he made a video out of the ordeal and shared it online. And lucky for him, he never had his food stolen again.
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Watch the video below to see all of the hilarious reactions to the thief-proof screen saver.
Have you ever had to deal with an office thief? Were you able to successfully thwart them?
Like us on Facebook and share this story with your coworkers, especially if you suspect they’re stealing from you!