Categories: Familylife

Officers Raid Family Home After Doctor Reports Parents With Unvaccinated Toddler To The Authorities

untitled design 48 1.png?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Officers Raid Family Home After Doctor Reports Parents With Unvaccinated Toddler To The Authorities

Police officers were caught on camera storming an Arizona home after a doctor reported the parents to the authorities saying they failed to have their unvaccinated toddler checked out after the baby experienced severe fever.


To check up on the baby who allegedly had a 105-degree fever when he was seen by the family’s doctor, the officers kicked down the door of their home and rushed in with their guns drawn.


According to the reports, their main objective was to gain control of the two-year-old whose parents were reported to the Arizona Department of Child Safety.


The doctor responsible for performing a check-up on the unvaccinated toddler told the parents to take the baby to the ER because he suspected the child of suffering from meningitis.

While the parents initially obeyed, they decided to return home without paying a visit to the emergency room after their toddler’s fever suddenly broke.

ABC News

Realizing they never made it to the ER, the doctor called the DCS who reported the incident to the police and told them to check on the child.


After the father refused to let them in, the officers returned with a search warrant and broke into the house in full force.

ABC News

Condemning the incident, State Representative Kelly Townsend said:


“That is not the country that I recognize. At that point who now owns control over the child?”

ABC News

Townsend, who helped get the legislation that requires DCS to obtain a search warrant before removing a child from their parents passed, added:


“And it seems like we’ve given that now to the doctor and the parent no longer has the say or they risk the SWAT team taking all of your children and potentially the newborn.”

As Townsend said, we should all recognize the mistakes done in this case and focus on cases where there are actual abuse and neglect present.


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