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An Old Woman Ate With A Random Stranger At McDonald’s And Photos Of The Sweet Moment Went Viral

f3 6.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - An Old Woman Ate With A Random Stranger At McDonald's And Photos Of The Sweet Moment Went Viral

Glaneir / Facebook

Watch the video of the witnesses talk about this heartwarming experience.


Video credit: Video Break

A fast food restaurant is not only a place where the food is served fast, people who are alone also tend to wolf down their meal and then move on out. Sitting back and striking up a conversation with strangers in a fast food joint is not only unexpected, but it can also even be unwelcome.


That’s what an elderly teacher named Jan initially found out when she tried to share a meal with a group of teenagers at a McDonald’s in Noblesville, Indiana. However, the teenagers weren’t apparently interested in talking with a total stranger and rebuffed her efforts.


Undeterred, she went to another table where a man was eating. According to a Facebook post shared by a teacher named Amanda Craft, she and her friends watched from another table as Jan approached the man who was eating alone and asked if she could share a meal with him. The man replied, “of course.”


“They talked and laughed together like they were friends,” wrote Craft, who was on her lunch break. “They didn’t know each other, and they couldn’t be more different. But today they shared a meal together and it touched our hearts.”

Glaneir / Facebook

The man, Eric Haralson, could be seen smiling in the photo that Craft took. The elderly woman seemingly wanted to keep him company but Haralson was also doing something for Jan.


He told “Good Morning America” that he witnessed the group of teens blowing off Jan when she approached them.

“One of the kids had a man bun and she was very intrigued by it and asked what made him come up with that hairstyle,” Haralson said. “They didn’t take to her that much.”


But it all turned out well because that gave her the opportunity to meet Haralson, who says they sat and talked and ate together for 45 minutes.

“She goes to church every Sunday, we talked a lot about that,” he said. “She did not have any kids or a significant other that she made mention of.”

Eric Haralson / Facebook

“I could tell she’s a firecracker,” he continued. “She will tell you exactly how she feels and has no problem being outgoing.”


In fact, the two have hit it off so well that they exchanged numbers and the 28-year-old father has already reached out to Jan and hopes to invite her for breakfast again soon.

“I don’t know if she has anyone else in her life and I want to reach out to her as much as I can,” he told “GMA.”


The photo of the two of them eating together has gone viral and proves that people still hunger for random acts of kindness like this one.


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