Categories: life

Oldest Down’s Syndrome Patient in Britain Just Had His 77th Birthday Party

In a stereotypical mindset, we believe that people with Down’s syndrome and not normal which is entirely false.


Yes, their brains are slower than ours and they develop mentally less than you might have but this does not make them abnormal. They are able to give you more love then you may ever be able to express.

The one thing that is not normal for them is their age. Most of the people who have Down’s syndrome are not able to survive for longer and hardly gets to see their 20s or 30s.


This is the same thing the doctors feared for Georgie who recently celebrated his 77th birthday that he won’t live beyond the age of 10 years.


Georgie suffers from Down’s syndrome and at a very young age, his parents were told that the boy will not be able to survive beyond 10 years of age but he just celebrated his 77th birthday being the oldest man in Britain with Down’s syndrome and one of the oldest in the entire world.


Georgie has been living in Watcombe Circus since 1993 and his 44 years old niece Nikki Wright comes to see him every week.


Nikki says “My grandparents were told that he won’t survive for long but he did and we believe that the reason for this is the amount of love he receives and of, course dancing, the one thing he loves to do all the time.”


“He lived with my grandparents in a community where kids used to go to play out in the square daily but there was no one who would pick on him rather everyone used to protect him and love him.


Even in the home, there is no one who would tease him. People love him there as there are 12 more people of his age at the care home. We are all so proud that he made it so far.”

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