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Boy Gets Sweet Revenge On School And Their Strict Dress Code By Wearing A SKIRT To Class

untitled design 2023 09 10t095347 914.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Boy Gets Sweet Revenge On School And Their Strict Dress Code By Wearing A SKIRT To Class

A teenage boy went viral after getting sweet revenge on his school and their strict uniform policy.


15-year-old Joe Stratton of Surrey, England, has forced teachers at Stafford School to make a U-turn and make changes to the dress code by wearing a skirt to class to prove his point.

As the boy’s mother explained, her son went to school in his summer uniform, which includes shorts, last Tuesday only to be told that he could not wear the summer term attire despite the hot weather outside.

©SurreyLive – BPM Media

In protest, the teen returned to school in a skirt on Wednesday while not violating the school’s uniform policy which allows either pants or skirts.


“Every day he felt too hot to wear pants. He said most of his teachers either didn’t notice and didn’t say anything at all. Well, they must have noticed – or they were supportive of him,” mom Jo Suleyman said.

“I don’t think they expected him to actually do it.”

©SurreyLive – BPM Media

Branding his son as a “legend” was also proud dad Ronnie Stratton who said:

“At first, he thought he was going to get ridiculed and have the mickey taken out of him.


“But, like I told him, at the end of the day, you stand up for what you believe in. Why should he go to school hot and uncomfortable and then try to function in school? To function and be uncomfortable and hot, I don’t think is right.”

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The parents also insisted that most teachers saw the funny side of the protest and that they were “quite proud of him for finding a peaceful way to prove his point that didn’t hurt anybody and made a good point.”


The school has since changed its uniform policy to allow its students to wear their summer uniforms during hot weather.

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