Categories: life

‘My Best Friend Is Demanding I Take A LOAN To Be Able To Attend Her Extravagant Bachelorette Party’

A worried woman has asked for advice after her best friend demanded she take a loan to attend her extravagant bachelorette party.


The lady in question penned a letter to best-selling author and columnist Jane Green in which she asked for help after encountering a major red flag while serving as a maid of honor for her best friend of 14 years.

As the US-based woman revealed, her friend is planning “the most over-the-top and expensive” wedding ceremony one could imagine, whereas she tried her best to support her plans despite being taken aback by some of the bride’s ideas – such as renting live swans!


And while everything went without major hiccups in the beginning, the woman was in for a big surprise when her friend revealed she hired a bachelorette planner for $10,000. The bride also shared her plans to hold the party abroad because she wanted a “real vacation.”


“I figured it would take the pressure off me and allow me to relax and just enjoy the experience. I just sat back and waited for the email to come through from the planner with the details, which it did this week,” the maid of honor revealed.


“Apparently, the bride decided on a six-day first-class trip to Italy, where she wants to stay in two five-star hotels, with the whole thing totaling $7,000 per person. SEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS. I almost blacked out when I saw that number.


“Then that shock gave way to panic as I frantically tried to do the math in my head and figure out a way that I might be able to afford it.”


After realizing there was no way she could pay the sum to attend the party, the woman called her best friend and told her she would not be able to attend. Rather than getting any sympathy, however, her friend shrugged off her complaints and told her to get a loan because she needed her to be there.


“She said it’s a once-in-a-lifetime event for her, that she needs me there, and that if I really cared about her I’d find a way. As though taking out a loan is the easiest thing in the world?” the woman continued.

“She then told me that if I wasn’t willing to ‘just get a loan and make the trip happen’, she’d have to choose someone else to be her Maid of Honor.”


After the letter went viral, hundreds of viewers joined Jane Green in slamming the bridezilla and her “inability to understand that not everyone can afford” her expensive trip abroad.


Green also suggested the woman’s best friend was trying to blackmail her into doing something she clearly didn’t want to and couldn’t.

“A lifetime best friend would show compassion and perhaps then ease the burden on everyone by changing the event to something smaller, and far less expensive,” the author wrote.


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