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‘I’m Cheating On My Pregnant Wife With My Co-Worker And It Is So Fun That I Don’t Want To Stop Anytime Soon’

A man has revealed how he’s been cheating on his wife of four years and says he doesn’t want to stop as he was having so much fun.


Sharing his story on Reddit, the man who is in his late 20s explained that he’s been working a lot over the last six months.

“I fell into this flirty relationship with one of my coworkers in her early 30s and we just would have a lot of fun with one another. Mad s*xual tension. We set up plans to meet up off work hours and we do,” he wrote.


The man described his colleague as his ‘perfect woman,’ adding that their chemistry was amazing.

“We are in sync with one another so much. And then there is the adrenaline rush. It’s f***ing amazing. And she is such a cool, awesome woman too. She isn’t a prude at all and is down to do all sorts of crazy, experimental s***, which is a 180 from my wife,” he went on.


He also said that his co-worker was crazy about him and that it’s been a long time since someone wanted to please him.

“This is the first time I’ve ever cheated on my wife,” he continued. “I’m so conflicted about how to feel about this. On one hand, I am having the best sex of my life and having an unbelievable time. On the other hand, I am cheating on my pregnant wife. Which is kind of f***ed up.”


The man’s post sparked outrage on the social media platform, with one person commenting: “And then you’ll have hell to pay. I’d find it extremely entertaining to watch you lose your comfortable life of family life, personally.”


Another said: “As a married woman in my early 30s, it would absolutely kill me if I found this out about my husband. If she really is your best friend, you need to stop being selfish, stay loyal for the rest of your relationship, and save her from finding out the truth.”


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