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‘My Girlfriend Is Pregnant Even Though We Never Slept Together And She Didn’t Cheat On Me – What Should I Do?’

pt4.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - 'My Girlfriend Is Pregnant Even Though We Never Slept Together And She Didn't Cheat On Me – What Should I Do?'

A man has been left frustrated after discovering that his girlfriend got pregnant even though they never slept together.


Writing on Reddit, the boyfriend explained that he and his girlfriend have been living in his parent’s house and insisted that she would never cheat on him.

“I’m trying to put this all together in my head right now. I know it’s not Jesus obviously but I don’t think she just went out and cheated on me either,” he wrote.


The boyfriend said that they came from religious families so they didn’t want to ‘do’ it any time soon but his girlfriend suddenly started feeling sick.


“She has gained a little weight over the past few weeks,” he went on, adding that her girlfriend mentioned that she missed her period.

“I told her we should get a pregnancy test seeing as all the symptoms matched and she laughed, but I still bought her a pack. All four came in positive. I bought another pack, all positive,” he went on.


His girlfriend swore that she did not sleep with anyone and there was no time for her to meet with other people.


“We both freelance for work online right now and never really leave the house. We go on walks together sometimes but that’s basically it,” he continued.


“She’s in shock. All she’s been saying is that there’s no way she’s pregnant. I don’t know what to do? I can’t tell anyone in my family and I know my friends will rip her to pieces for this,” he added.


Many Reddit users were also baffled by the situation but others were concerned about the girlfriend’s health.

One person wrote: “The best idea would be to go to the doctor’s office and get this verified. My sister would get positive test results because she had very huge cysts. They were huge and she was around mid 20s once the doctor’s figured out what was going on.”


Another said: “So it’s also possible she has a cyst or another issue causing hormonal issues. She needs to go to the doctor.”


A third commented: “If she did cheat, I’m sorry, but otherwise this is a potentially time-sensitive medical issue.”

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