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‘I’m Divorcing My Husband After I Found Out That She Slept With My Mother Two Days Before We Got Married But Am I The One Being Unreasonable Here?’

A wife has shared how she was left devastated after finding out that her husband slept with her mother only two days before they got married.


Sharing her story on Reddit, the woman said that her husband returned home from his stag do and slept with her mother, who was visiting to help with their wedding preparations.

“My hen party was the same night,” she wrote. “I came home around 3am to see he wasn’t in our bed. I texted him but assumed he had crashed with a friend as he’d said he might do that if things got crazy.”

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However, he ended up in bed with his mother-in-law before quietly going to their room while she was asleep.


“He pretended he’d just come home after sleeping off the drunkenness at his friends,” she continued.

“As if that wasn’t enough, he also initiated s*x soon after. He’d been with my mother mere hours before. We got married the very next day.”


The couple have been married for two years before the husband finally told her the truth.

“F*** everything. I literally cannot believe this,” she expressed.

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“My mother has a history of trying to flirt with guys I’ve dated and being inappropriate (not this bad but still). My husband knew this. We’d laughed about it, he assured me he would never in a million years think she was attractive. What the f***,” she went on.


When she confronted her mother, she tried to avoid the topic and made excuses every time.

“She pretended not to know what I was talking about. Then denying everything and saying he was making it up. Then, claiming she’d woken up to my husband forcing himself on her! The sheer audacity of the bulls*** she is capable of is beyond any disgust I can properly convey.”


She then asked Reddit users how to explain to the rest of her family why they are divorcing.

“I am so humiliated,” she added.


One person commented: “What he did was unforgivable. As for her mum… holy f***ing s***! This is the same woman who is supposed to love her child more than anyone or thing else.”

Another said: “I am so sorry for her. She has a piece of s*** for a husband and an awful mother. Really hope she has a beautiful life and these cheaters f*** off.”


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