Categories: Familylife

‘My Wife Asked For DIVORCE After I Bought Her A Botox And Filler Package For Christmas’

A man’s marriage has hit rock bottom after he tried doing his wife a favor by gifting her a Botox and filler package for Christmas.


The husband in question wrote a letter to columnist and best-selling author Jane Green in which he revealed his wife had constantly been complaining about her aging looks and her sagging skin.

He also claimed the woman had “lost her confidence” because of her wrinkles even though he kept on reassuring her that she “still looks wonderful.”


Tired of the nagging, the man decided to surprise his wife with a Botox and filler package for Christmas. And while he thought his partner would be thrilled by the gifts, he was in for a big surprise when the woman lashed out at him and suggested they should get a divorce.


“I knew she’d never make such an expensive purchase by herself and thought this was something nice I could do for her. To be clear, I’d never push my wife into getting any kind of cosmetic treatment, but she’s been so upset about her looks for so long now, I really thought this would be the thing to lift her spirits,” he wrote.


“However, my dream of surprising her on Christmas Day was ripped away from me when the med spa I’d bought her package from accidentally emailed her the information ahead of time, effectively giving the game away. So I figured I’d just tell her all about it a few weeks early, and give her the chance to pamper herself in time for the holiday season.”


The man went on to explain that instead of being grateful, his wife reacted with fury and accused him of making her feel “ugly” and “hideous.” The wife allegedly also told him he wants a trophy wife while implying he should divorce her now and “join a dating app for sugar daddies.”


“She even threatened to kick me out of the house. It’s been a few days now and she still hasn’t calmed down. And what’s even worse, she cries every time she goes near a mirror,” the husband continued.

“I’ve tried talking to her to make her see my side of things – and prove to her that I think she’s beautiful no matter what age she’s at – but she won’t speak with me. I’m really not sure where to go from here but I have a horrible feeling I’ve ruined Christmas.”


Responding to the concerned man, Green told the man that he was not at fault while advising him to “sit this one out” until his wife calmed down enough to have a mature conversation.


“If you haven’t calmly apologized and explained that you bought the Botox after she made the comments about her sagging skin, do so, and tell her you’re happy to discuss it, but you’re not going to engage in a drama that is not of your making,” the author wrote.


“Disengage. I hope your Christmas is merry, and feel free to send the Botox and fillers to your favorite agony aunt.”

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