Categories: Familylife

‘I Treated My Family To Fully-Paid Vacation After Winning The Lottery – They Say I’m SELFISH Because I Didn’t Give Them All My Winnings’

A lottery winner faces losing his/her entire family after being branded as selfish by their closest relatives.


According to the complainant, who sought advice from best-selling author and Daily Mail columnist Jane Green, they were fortunate enough to win over $1 million in the lottery earlier this year.


While the winnings are not enough to allow the lottery winner to retire anytime soon, the amount definitely came as a positive surprise though it would soon turn out to cause a major rift in their family.


According to the lottery winner, whom we shall call John, he decided to treat his family to a nice, all-inclusive holiday to celebrate his win. After his immediate family found out how much he had won, however, holidays were no longer enough and they demanded an equal portion of the money.


“I wanted to share the wealth, as it were, with my loved ones, so I planned a luxury vacation in the Bahamas for all 13 of us, complete with flights and a villa that I booked and paid for with my winnings,” John explained.


“The trip was amazing – but towards the end, it started to feel like some of my family members were expecting… more? They kept asking whether I had any ‘big surprises’ planned for the end of the trip, or whether I was planning to do something ‘over the top’ to bring the vacation to a close.”


After the family returned home, John received a message from his aunt in which the woman accused him of upsetting his family instead of thanking him for spoiling them.

The aunt also suggested John should share his winnings in a “generous” way, clearly implying she wanted him to give cash to his relatives.

©Scott Griessel – Creatista

“Then my brother phoned me and said he thought it was pretty ‘selfish’ that I’d shoved my new money in their faces on this trip and wouldn’t it have been better for me to simply give them all money, so they wouldn’t have to feel ‘guilty’ about being on a trip that I was paying for,” John added.


“He also mentioned that several of them had been sharing similar grievances while we were away because they had been ‘expecting’ that I’d give them all cash to end the vacation.”

The ungrateful response left John in shock, whereas he admitted he is now really “pi**ed” about it and contemplating cutting his entire family off for good.


After asking Green if he should just cave in and mail them some cash, John was reassured he was not obliged to share his winnings while insisting he had already done his bit by taking them on a luxury holiday.


Green also advised the man to put his money in a trust or hire a financial advisor to avoid blowing all of the money away.

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