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‘My Mother-In-Law Gave Me A ‘Rude’ Gift She Says Would Help With My Three-Year-Old Twins But Am I The One In The Wrong For Getting Upset?’

A woman has shared how her mother-in-law gave her a ‘rude gift’ to help with her three-year-old twins but it came with instructions.


Sharing her story on Reddit, the woman explained that she and her husband work long hours.

“He travels for work often, and we have three-year-old twins,” she wrote.


The woman continued: “Our three-year-olds are typical toddlers. Tantrums galore. And the state of our house is cluttered and messy.”


For Christmas, her mother-in-law gave them a kitchen timer that came with a set of rules. “I guess this is my mother-in-law’s cute and funny way of ‘helping’ us,” she wrote.

On the back of the timer, the mother-in-law had a suggested timetable to follow from morning to bedtime.


The instructions also showed the time for the twins to get dressed, eat breakfast, and leave the house.


There were also instructions for a ten-minute cleanup and a time for brushing teeth and bedtime.


Reddit users were quick to share their thoughts on the gift, with one person saying: “Nothing cute about this! I agree with one of the previous comments. This is so passive-aggressive. Even if she is helping in some capacity, your home, your rules.”


Another said: “Set it for five minutes and tell her that’s how long she’s got to get her crap together and get out of your house.”

A third added: “I don’t like seeing this for you at all… I would have set the timer and told her to be out of here by the time it rings.”


Someone else shared: “I know a couple who has used timers as part of a bedtime routine with their little ones with great success.”


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