Categories: life

‘My Neighbors DEMAND I Allow Them To Swim In My Pool Whenever They Want And They Won’t Stop Harassing Me About It’

An upset man has spoken out and sought advice after his neighbors repeatedly demanded he let them use his pool.


As the anonymous man in question explained in his lengthy Reddit post, he and his wife are “private” people who just moved into their new home which comes with a pool.

Just weeks after settling into the new environment, however, the couple was approached by their neighbors who asked them to let them use their pool like the previous owners did.

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While the couple politely declined saying they want to have privacy on their property, the neighbors allegedly refused to drop the matter.


After several unsuccessful attempts at securing a spot in the pool, the neighbors started coming up with new ideas – including an offer to share maintenance costs – in an attempt to convince the couple to share their pool with them.

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“We fit in the neighborhood, or so we thought until the neighbors from three surrounding homes got into a weird conversation with us around their expectations to access the pool for weekend and holiday pool parties,” the man explained.


“Apparently, the owners before us had kids who were friends with the neighborhood kids. The neighborhood kids and adults would use the pool when they wanted to.

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“The gate was always open and they even had their inflatables nearby and had arranged to split the payment for the maintenance of the pool.”


As the disgruntled homeowner added, his neighbors continue to ‘ambush’ him whenever he and his wife are outside in an attempt to convince them to change their minds.

Source – Pixabay

Just recently, however, he decided to step up to his neighbor and angrily brush him off after the man approached him while he was gardening only to pester him about the pool use again.


“We politely decline over and over, and we are seriously getting tired of the nagging and the pool and their access to it being the only thing they want to connect with us about. It’s not like we created a bond or anything, all conversations are just about the pool,” the man said.


After asking Reddit users for advice, people were quick to voice their support for the couple and brand the neighbors as “unreasonable” and “nosy.”

Source – Reddit

“Those are some entitled persistent neighbors. Also the liability of having an open gate for everyone’s access. What if a kid wandered and drowned? That will be on you. Stand your ground,” someone wrote.


Another said: “Get a lock and cameras, asap. This is a disaster waiting to happen. Start calling the cops when they come on your property to bother you and ESPECIALLY if you catch them coming on your property when you’re not home.”

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