Your bedroom might be the only place where you feel completely safe and carefree and the idea of your neighbors invading it while you are on a holiday can be appalling.
That is exactly what happened to one woman who went on a trip only to find out that her neighbors secretly went to her house to give her bedroom a ‘makeover.’
In a post shared on Netmums, the woman explained how she was so shocked she doesn’t want to see her neighbors ever again.
“I went away for the weekend this weekend and when I’ve come home, my friends have given my bedroom a makeover,” she wrote.
“When I say ‘friends’ it was basically a neighbor who is a bit of a busybody has got a group of people together and taken it upon themselves to clean and decorate my bedroom as a ‘treat.’
“When I came back I was greeted at the door by this person who made me be blindfolded and did a big reveal type thing, flinging the door open.”
She said that the neighbor noticed that she had been struggling so the friend wanted to make a ‘haven’ for her.
“I really think she thought she was doing a nice thing but it seems she has had a whip round from the neighbors to pay for this, new bedding, cushions, a rug, a blind, the lot,” the woman went on.
Even though the makeover was great, she was left completely shocked that strangers have walked all over her room.
“I had washing on the bed, including underwear and medication on my bedside table,” she added.
Netmums users were left divided, with one person commenting: “I would hate this too – have never felt comfortable with people in the house just the way I am. My sister once totally rearranged my mum’s living room while she was away – I thought it was an absolute violation but I kept quiet.”
Another wrote: “Ohhh it’s a tough one! Maybe they should have done your living room or something. Not the bedroom and I would hate that I didn’t know first so that I can make sure they didn’t see anything I wouldn’t want the whole street to see lol, but what a lovely thing to do though on the other hand, it probably hasn’t even entered your neighbors head that you are mortified.
“There’s not a lot you can do now, just hold your head up high when you’re out in the street and remember it’s come from a good place.”
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