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‘My Pregnant Sister Accuses Me Of RUINING Her Gender Reveal After I Told Our Family That I Have Breast Cancer But Am I The One In The Wrong Here?’

A 28-year-old woman shared how her sister accused her of ruining her gender reveal after she revealed that she had breast cancer.


Sharing her story on Reddit, the woman explained that when she was diagnosed with the condition, she initially kept the news to herself.

But she was forced to reveal her condition when family members noticed that she wasn’t drinking and thought she was pregnant.


“I guess one of my sister’s friends caught onto this and told her because the next thing I know she’s coming up to me asking if I was pregnant, thankfully no one really heard her since she was trying to be quiet,” she wrote.


The woman told her sister many times that she wasn’t pregnant but she dared her to drink a beer to prove it.

Her pregnant sister then started yelling and accused her of ‘ruining’ her baby shower for ‘turning up pregnant.’


“She kept yelling at me until her husband came and asked me if I was pregnant and tried to calm my sister,” the woman continued.


“By this point I was just annoyed and yelled out that I have cancer and that’s why I’m not drinking.”

Her brother-in-law apologized and people started offering their condolences.

“Me and my husband left soon after since it was awkward and people were giving me their condolences and that pitying look people get when they know you have a serious illness,” she went on.


The woman also revealed that her family blamed her for not drinking at the party but she defended her actions and said that it was her sister’s fault.


Reddit users were quick to share their thoughts on the situation, with one person saying: “Your sister was 100 percent in the wrong to push you like that. She shouldn’t have asked even once but sure as hell should have shut up after your first answer. She set herself up for the reaction she got from you and others.”


Another said: “Seriously. Life should have a rule that no one gets to accuse anyone with stealing their thunder unless they are literally Thor and someone else who can steal sound. It’s always petty.”

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