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JUST IN: Priscilla Presley STOPPED Speaking To Granddaughter Riley Amid Ongoing DISPUTE Over Daughter Lisa Marie’s Will

Priscilla Presley has stopped speaking to her granddaughter Riley Keough after contesting her daughter Lisa Marie Presley’s will, sources have revealed.


The saga started after the sudden death of the only child of Elvis Presley as it was revealed that the 54-year-old had amended her will in 2016 to make daughter Riley and so Benjamin – who passed away in 2020 – her sole heirs.

It is not clear how much she left but the change seemed to incense her mother, who was removed from the will.


An insider close to the grieving family has shared an update about the ongoing war, saying that Priscilla is no longer speaking to Riley.


Speaking to Entertainment Tonight, the source said: “Riley has been mourning the loss of her mother and is heartbroken to have to deal with a trust dispute with a family member.

“Priscilla is adamant that she has a valid case and that she will prevail in court.


“Riley and Priscilla aren’t communicating at this time, but have been in communication through lawyers.”


The source also said that even though Riley would like to privately settle the dispute, both women are now ‘gearing up’ for a bitter battle in court.


“She is heartbroken that this has turned into a public matter and knows her mother would never want this,” the anonymous source said.

According to reports, Lisa Marie’s mother is ‘convinced that the old documents had been forged.’


The source said that Riley has been ‘very stressed’ over the will dispute but is ‘trying to keep a positive attitude.’


Since the release of Lisa Marie’s will, Priscilla has questioned the amendment’s credibility, claiming that the signature of her daughter on the amendment appeared inconsistent.


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