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‘I REFUSED To Give Up My Expensive Plane Seat To Let A Father Sit With His Young Daughter But Am I The One In The Wrong Here?’

A woman has shared how she refused to give up her plane seat so a dad could sit next to his daughter but she faced backlash online.


Sharing her story on Reddit, the passenger explained that she had booked an aisle seat because she feels the ‘most comfortable’ there but she was surprised when she found a man in her seat.

She ‘kindly asked him to move’ even though he was sitting with his wife and daughter but he claimed that the airline had ‘messed up his seating.’


The dad then asked the woman if he could swap seats with her but she sternly refused because his seat was in the middle.


“I told him I don’t do middle seats and he got mad, telling me over and over again that he was sitting next to family and that the airline had messed up his seating,” she wrote.

“A flight attendant came over and ‘forced’ him to move to his seat.”


Because of her refusal, the father couldn’t sit next to his daughter, who looked ‘really sad’ during the two-hour flight.


“Here’s why I feel like the a**hole: It was a very short flight (less than two hours) and his daughter looked really sad that her dad wouldn’t be sitting near her, even though she had her mother sitting there with her. They were also giving me dirty looks throughout the whole flight,” she added.


Reddit users were also left divided, with one person saying: “You reserved that seat. If the three of them wanted to sit together, then it was their responsibility to reserve seats together. People can ask if others are willing to switch seats, but the person originally assigned that seat has every right to tell them no.”


Another said: “You should’ve let the dad stay with his family. I’m sorry but you’re in the wrong for this. The flight was short.”


A third added: “I’m a flight attendant and you would’ve been an amazing person if you would have given up the seat you paid for.”


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