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‘I Want Full Control Of My Wife’s $250,000 Inheritance Because She Doesn’t Deserve It But Am I The One Being Unreasonable Here?’

A man has left people divided after he revealed that he wanted full control of his wife’s $250,000 inheritance because she didn’t deserve it.


Sharing his story on Reddit, the husband explained that his father-in-law had left his wife $250,000 after he died and a portion of it was immediately used to pay off their debt.

“A lot of this debt was due to her spending,” he said.


The husband said that when his wife first got the money, he asked her if they could put it in their shared account so he could monitor her spending but she and her mother told her that he had no right.


“I saw her spending habits getting out of hand early and would confront her, to which she always replied: ‘You don’t get to tell me how to spend my dad’s blood money!’ Now here we are months later with almost nothing left,” he went on.


He also revealed that there were many unnecessary purchases.


“There were Amazon deliveries daily. She booked three, multi-thousand-pound vacations for the kids this summer and any time I questioned her spending she would get combative and say that her dad would have wanted her to have fun and spoil the kids. We also ate out dozens and dozens of times,” he continued.


The husband was then shocked to discover that there was almost nothing left from the inheritance.

“I feel like burning through almost $126,000 is absurd, irresponsible and unacceptable,” he added.

Readers were quick to jump to the husband’s defense, with one Reddit user commenting: “You’re married. You should have input.”


Another said: “You need to put a block on your credit ASAP, especially since you know she does this type of stuff. I’d seriously consider getting out of this marriage before she bankrupts you.”


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