Categories: life

‘I’m 21 And People Constantly Tell Me I Look Like A CAVEMAN Because Of My Bushy Eyebrows’

A young woman has opened up about her unique looks and hit back at trolls who mock her over her bushy eyebrows.


21-year-old Kenah Jonel from Austin, Texas, has had prominent eyebrows for as long as she can remember.

When she was just 10 years old, the girl had her brows plucked by her mom who took charge of maintaining her looks until she decided to embrace her natural looks at the age of 16.

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Since then, Kenah has been proudly flaunting her bushy brows and even let them grow into a unibrow. While haters still compare her to cavemen and call her all kinds of names on social media, the 21-year-old has never felt more confident and prouder of her looks.


“I like my unibrow. I absolutely feel my most confident with a unibrow and think that I wouldn’t feel comfortable looking at my face if I trimmed or plucked it,” she said.

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“I also tell myself too, if I wouldn’t take their [critics] advice in real life, why would I let them tell me what to do on the internet?


“I think that giving people the power to decide how I want to look, dress and present myself in day-to-day life is not going to give me results that make me happy.”

As the social media influencer explained, plenty of people send her encouraging messages and praise for her bushy unibrow which makes it easier to ignore all the negative comments she gets.

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“My entire life I’ve been told that I have incredible eyebrows, that they’re perfect and that everybody loves them,” Kenah added.


“I think they’ve always been my most notable feature – especially when I was 16 as I went platinum blonde and that also made them stand out a lot.

“Naturally, most people just tended to compliment my eyebrows over anything else because they’re a really bold feature.”

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Nowadays, the 21-year-old continues sharing her pictures on social media and encouraging other people to follow their hearts and embrace their natural looks.


While she now has plenty of support from fellow-minded individuals, Kenah admitted haters still try to put her down with their rude comments from time to time.

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“People call it a ‘caterpillar’ a lot on the internet,” she said. “I’ve had men send me DMs that are basically like ‘you’re a monkey,’ ‘you should kill yourself,’ ‘you look like a neolithic caveman.’”


Rather than give such critics her time and attention, Kenah now chooses to ignore them and “continue being myself” knowing it’s not her job to prove her beauty to anyone.

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