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Woman Who Donated Her KIDNEY To Help Her Boss Claims She Was FIRED Because She Was Taking Too Long To Recover

A 47-year-old woman who donated her kidney to help her boss filed a legal complaint after she was allegedly fired from her job for taking too long to recover.


Debbie Stevens claimed that her boss, Jackie Brucia, 61, used her to get her kidney before firing her ‘after the woman got what she wanted.’

In an interview with ABC News, Stevens said: “She just started treating me horribly, viciously, inhumanly after the surgery. It was almost like she hired me just to get my kidney.”

ABC News

It was in June 2010 when Brucia told Stevens how she needed a kidney transplant.

Brucia allegedly mentioned having a potential donor and Stevens said she would be willing to donate her kidney to her boss.


“I did not do it for job security. I didn’t do it to get a raise. I did it because it’s who I am. I didn’t want her to die,” Stevens expressed.

Even though she was not a perfect match for the employer, Stevens donated her organ to someone else to boost Brucia’s position on the organ donor list.

ABC News

But when Stevens returned to work, she allegedly faced mistreatment from her supervisor because of her health complications.


She claims that the removal of her kidney caused digestive problems and abdominal pain. She was allegedly demoted and transferred to a dealership 50 miles away from her home.

Even though she tried to seek psychiatric help, Stevens said she was fired days after her lawyers sent a letter to AAG.

ABC News

Stevens filed a formal complaint against her former employer, Atlantic Automatic Group, alleging that she was also subjected to constant verbal ab*se.


Civil rights lawyer Lenard Leeds said: “Our ultimate goal is to bring this before federal court. We’re alleging they discriminated against her for her disability, and they retaliated against her when she complained about the har*ssment.”


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