Categories: life

‘I’m Addicted To Eating Toilet Paper – I Eat At Least 75 Sheets A Day!’

A woman who eats toilet paper has opened up about her unusual addiction and revealed she consumes up to one hundred sheets a day.


Kesha is a 34-year-old woman from Chicago who is suffering from xylophagia, a rare eating disorder that causes her to eat absurd amounts of toilet paper.

Appearing on My Strange Addiction by TLC, the young woman revealed she has been eating around 75 sheets of toilet paper per day for the last two decades.


She also explained that toilet paper is like a drug to her and that she can’t say no to it no matter how much she tries to.


“I think I crave it because I love the way the toilet paper feels on my tongue, how it dissolves when it hits my tongue,” she said.

Kesha also explained that she prefers to eat 2-ply paper because it’s easier on the stomach. Sometimes, however, she still suffers from stomach cramps and has trouble going to the bathroom.


“Every time I’d see Kesha, she’d have tissue in her hand and she’d try to hide it behind her back,” the woman’s mother added.


“If you tried to take it from her she’d get upset. I’ve never been able to understand why she eats tissue, and I never will.”

While Kesha believes her addiction stems from childhood trauma, her doctors have warned her that she could get into serious trouble due to humans’ inability to digest cellulose.


“If your intestines rupture inside your abdomen, that could be fatal, and could be fatal pretty quickly. You’re putting your body at risk and really playing Russian roulette with your life,” the 34-year-old’s psychiatrist, Kimm Dennis, said.


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