Categories: life

Woman Praised For Refusing To Switch Seats So That Mom Could Sit With Her Child

A woman was praised for standing her ground when a mother asked her to switch seats so that she could sit with her young daughter.


The lady in question took to Mumsnet to ask the readers if she was in the wrong for turning down a mother’s request to switch plane seats.

“Last week I was traveling to Gran Canaria with TUI [tourist agency]. I had booked my and boyfriend’s seats when we booked and paid $25 for both. I had the window and he had the middle,” she explained in her post.


“A lady sat on the end and her daughter was in front. She asked could they have our two seats and we have hers /daughter’s or my boyfriend switch with her daughter. I politely said no.”


The woman went on to say that the cheeky mother made her displeasure with the refusal well known by asking her what difference it would make for her of her boyfriend to switch seats.


“You’re adults, my daughter is scared of flying and is a minor,” the mother allegedly insisted.


Despite the comeback, the woman refused to budge or trade seats because this would mean she would be seated away from her boyfriend after reserving their seats well in advance.

After asking the forum to weigh in on the matter, the woman was mostly praised for refusing to give up her reserved seats to the “entitled” mother.


“She should have paid to book seats together the same as you did,” someone wrote.

“Well. I have a child who is scared of flying and so I would have paid to ensure that I had the seats I needed,” another said.


A third wrote: “She should have booked seats knowing her daughter required a certain seat. Freeloader springs to mind. I hate this – People expecting you give up the seats you’ve paid for.”

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