Categories: Healthlife

Our Brain Only Grows to be an Adult When We Reach 30, Study Says

You must have seen people behaving like kids even in their 20s.


This might have bugged you if you take yourself as a mature person, or who knows, you could also have been the one to behave like a child in your 20s.

Well, yes, who does not wants to stay a kid forever but society wishes us to grow into adults as soon as we are 18. Although it is possible for some people, it is not for all.


And now, science has come to back us up on the same. A new study has found out that it is ok to behave like a kid until your 20s because our brain grows to become an adult in our 30s.


Experts says that believing the idea of 18 as the rise of adulthood is absurd. Starting from adolescence, the path is different for every different person. Some are able to make the transition faster in comparison to others who may be slower at the same.


The neuroscientists claim that throughout the life of a person, the brain is constantly changing shapes until we reach the age of about 30. We believe our minds to be in perfect shape and maturity by 18 but that is not what happens.


At 18, the brain is still undergoing some major shape changes. This could be the prime reason that a human goes under major mental health problems when they are in their 20s and by the time they reach 30, the majority of their problems are resolved.


Cambridge University professor Peter Jones said “It is the problem of our belief. We believe that a person becomes an adult directly from being a child but that is not the reality.


The path is long and rocky and the transitions happen with each passing day. There is no instant switch that transforms a person from a child to an adult in just one day. It is a long way that has to be traveled by each person with their own pace and time.”


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