Twitter was on fire recently after a new tweet from National Geographic called out the fireworks conducted on July 4th as racist.
The leading non-profit organization went on to add how all forms of holiday fireworks are racist while backing up the claims with scientific proof too. Moreover, National Geographic went on to explain how the smoke pollution caused by them hurts different people in different ways, calling the distribution disproportionate.
“It manages to hurt minorities in the most disproportionate manner imaginable.” The news has since then created a firestorm on social media, with many readers criticizing the news, left and right.
The famous conservation institution tweeted the news on the 4th of July which further went about sparking fury around the American nation, explained reports.
But the news was based upon a recent study that was dedicated to assessing the great impact that fireworks conducted on Independence Day hold on different communities in the country.
“Scientists have worked really hard and found out how so many people and communities are vulnerable and amongst those at greatest risk are people of color,” it went on to add.point 267 |
Moreover, the study’s findings revealed how the Black community would be disproportionately exposed to higher levels of air pollution due to celebrations conducted with fireworks.point 157 | 1
The shocking tweet came with an image of the brightly lit-up California sky in North Hollywood.
In addition, the tweet also came with the reference to a link that takes you to an article that the magazine just published. It involves research that is based upon crowdsourcing of data in the area of California.
The study proved how most Blacks usually live in urban areas as well as along the coastal region. For this reason, they are at a greater risk of developing numerous health concerns in relation to the smoke from fireworks as most holiday displays occur here, explained experts from the publication.