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Tawny Owl Captured Enjoying A Midday Bathing Session In The Sizzling Heat

It is difficult to see an owl in the middle of the night even when it is their time to get out of their nests and hunt because they are one of the most intelligent predators; they know how to cover their trail.


Therefore, seeing an owl during the daytime is even more shocking. However, this perky tawny owl was captured on camera taking a midday bath in the scorching heat.

Watch this amazing video Clip:

Video Credit: @Robert E Fuller

Owls are nocturnal hence they are rarely seen during the daytime. And it is even rarer to witness an owl taking a bath in the broad daylight.


The adorable footage shows the owl flapping its wings in an attempt to clean them. The owl looked deeply satisfied as it flapped its wings in the improvised bathtub.

The happy-go-lucky bird was found taking a bath in the makeshift pool of water in Thixendale village in North Yorkshire.


Wildlife photographer Robert Fuller filmed the amusing scene, and his detailed photos are now used by the National Trust and RSPB, and they are exhibiting them in galleries across the globe.

Robert’s own gallery in North Yorkshire is visited by around 7000 people every year.


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