Categories: Animals/Petslife

Proud Owner Rented A Billboard To Share His Dog’s Birthday With The Whole Town

A proud dog owner has rented a large electronic billboard to celebrate his dog’s first birthday with the entire town.


As Maxx Chewning explained, he wanted to commemorate Dood’s birthday and make sure that the entire city knew his beloved dog was one year old.

Maxx Chewning

In order to get the message out there, Maxx rented a billboard and shared a smiling photo of Dood along with the caption “Happy birthday Dood!”


“The billboard company had never heard of anything like this and they were excited for something creative and fun to be on their digital screen,” he said in an interview with The Dodo.

Maxx Chewning

While not all of the guy’s friends agreed that this was a bright idea due to the dog not being able to read anyway, Maxx insists it was all worth it.


“I don’t even have a girlfriend so I’m not spending any money on that, so why don’t I spend it all on my dog? Seems like the better option, to be honest,” Maxx added in his video.

Maxx Chewning

As the proud dog owner told The Dodo, he and Dood have been inseparable ever since the pooch walked into his life.


“Dood is a very energetic puppy who loves to be around people as much as possible. He goes with me everywhere I go, and I bring him to work every day,” he said.

Maxx Chewning

“Every time I walk through the door he bursts up from the ground and greets me with a bundle of energy and love. Dood is a great dog and he truly has brought happiness into my life. He is my best friend.”

Maxx Chewning

As for the dog’s ‘big day,’ Maxx admitted taking the pooch on treats to Starbucks before playing fetch with him and presenting him with a cake.


“I let him pick out anything he wanted. He gets spoiled every day, so basically his birthday is all the time,” Maxx added.

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