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An Artist With A Difference Who Paints Incredible Artwork Without Fingers

Watch This Amazing God Gifted Artist Who Paints But Has No Fingers


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Desmond Blair who is twenty-nine years of age has no fingers He hails from Dallas Texas. Desmond is born without fingers and his all ten fingers are missing. But an amazing thing is Desmond is a painter.


He understood perfectly how to do oil painting and he has made several paintings.

Source: Desmond Blair

He dreamt to be a painter and he achieved his dream as according to Desmond the one who limits himself from attaining one’s dream is a disabled person not the one with a physical disability.


He does not have fingers of both hands but he does not regard himself to be impaired but a different man from other people.

Source: Desmond Blair

He is as determined in his life as he started to learn writing in his childhood.


That writing practice lead Desmond to draw and after getting hands-on this he stated to figure out some other ways of channelizing his art and hen he found painting to be an art which he could pursue.

He once stopped doing painting but then after going to job interviews he again adopted it.

Source: Desmond Blair

He worked with acrylics and but then shifted to digital work as well. His set of creative works include graphic descriptions o the US president Brack Obama, Porsche builder Nakai-san and a musician named Andre 3000.

Source: Desmond Blair

He used to record himself while painting because people would never believe that Desmond is a painter and paints without fingers.


He took this step because whenever he went to a job interview the people check his CV and then look at him as he had no fingers.

They had reservations as Desmond was handicapped and it was obvious for them that he will not be able to use the computer. That is the reason he made a video of himself while painting as to justify that if he can paint he can use the computer as well.

Source: Desmond Blair

He is a project manager now and efficiently uses the computer as well as paints on weekends. Painting provides him relief from the outside world and he aims to use the paintings as a charity for people who are different like Desmond.

Source: Desmond Blair