Categories: Familylife

Parent Still Lose Sleep Worrying About Their Adult Children

Nobody can love you or care for you more than your parents.


For parents, it is obvious to worry about them even before they were born, they make sure that they have complete fingers and toes and they start to cry, but, their worry doesn’t stop there.

Parents think each and everything about their child, like safety, their grades, their career, and even about choosing the person that they want to marry one day, are the things that make every parent worried about.


Parents hope and pray that when their children grow up they become good citizens of their community. We think when they will be mature then our responsibilities will end but, this is not true.


According to a recent study conducted by Amber J. Seidel from Pennsylvania State University, it shows that every parent already knows this truth that they can’t stop worrying about their children. Seidels’ study reveals that parents lose sleep because worrying about their adult children.

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Seidels’ study included a survey of 186 heterosexual married couples who have adult children.point 191 | They were asked the amount of time they spent with their children and measure it on a scale of 1 to 8.point 272 |


The assistance being asked includes financial, emotional, and even a simple talk on the phone.point 80 | Rating it “1” would mean that they have daily communication and interaction with their children, while “8” would be assistance once a year.point 205 |


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These parents also asked to rank their stress levels from 1 to 5 where 1 means ‘no stress’ and 5 means the maximum amount of stress they suffer because of their children. Parents also asked how much sleep they got at night.

According to the study, moms take a sleep, an average of 6.66 hours while dad has little more at an average of 6.69 hours.


Only when dads who handled children alone suffers a lack of sleep and stress more than mother. However, when it is the wife who offers help, it didn’t affect them.


This study shows that dads are not affected the same way as moms because most of the times moms hide the problems from their husbands about their kids. This makes dads be stress-free.


In this world of technology, it is easy to connect with your parents regularly. We have to admit, even if an adult child did not share their problems with their parent, the parent can easily understand and could ask to help to children because of what their children post on social media.


For parents, it is also important to let their children free to deal with their problems on their own. For children, you should always try to avoid making your parents worried all the time. They might face some serious stress or sleep problems.


Make sure you always make your parents happy.



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