Categories: Familylife

Parents are Shattered After Both Their Sons Die Within a Gap of a Month Because of an Incurable Brain Condition They Had 

Sharon and Charlie Corcoran are a couple from Neasden in London.


They are in their mid-20s now but had the unfortunate luck of seeing both their children die just within a month from each other.

Both their sons, Charlie and Noah, had a condition called polymicrogyria, in which the brain stays underdeveloped in the womb. The death of their newborn, Noah, just after a couple of hours after he was born on June 11th of last year, left the couple in major shock.


However, they felt fortunate enough to have Charlie with them. But on July 4th, just after three weeks, his passing away deepened their sorrow and left the couple hopeless and broken.


Both Noah and Charlie were born with the same condition, polymicrogyria, which is a genetic condition. In such a condition, the folded structure of the brain does not develop with the correct formation.


This condition can be a result of various genetic defects. However, the couple had not been told which of them carry the gene that triggered this.

Mrs. Corcoran, who is now 23, is obviously devastated but more motivated to help other kids who go through the same fate.


Polymicrogyria causes some structural changes in the brain that further interfere with the nerves abilities to transmit signals properly and communicate.


There are more severe cases of this incurable condition which causes delayed development, epilepsy, swallowing and speech problems and weakness or even paralysis.

Sometimes this condition can even be fatal due to the deadly seizures and muscle problems that lead to breathing difficulties and lung infections.


The doctors attending the couple told them that Noah might not even make it through the delivery. However, he did, but unfortunately dies six hours later.


The couple returned home devastated, but glad that they still had Charlie with them. However, this also changed, when Charlie passed away after his third birthday a few weeks later.


The couple is now raising money for the Northwick Park Hospital in London, where Charlie had to visit regularly. They had a target of £3,000 out of which they have already raised more than £2,300.


They promise to contribute this money to get specialist machines that help sick children breathe normally.

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