Categories: Healthlife

Parents ‘Avoid’ Jail For Putting Their Baby Girl On An Extreme Diet Plan

Two parents who put their baby on an extreme diet plan have avoided jail time.


The mother and father reportedly gave their daughter coconut water and ‘powders’ after she was done with breastfeeding, News Corp reported.

Nurses grew concerned about the appearance of the child, with one nurse saying that the powders the parents were giving her was not ‘nutritionally adequate for an infant.’


But the parents ignored nurses’ advice and they even stopped attending appointments. Then, they reportedly added fruit to their daughter’s daily consumption, and that was all.


The child was rushed to a hospital when she was only one year old because of malnutrition. It was also found that the baby had open wounds and bruising on her body, and her skin was already discolored.

Weighing only 6kg, the child required life support.


Fortunately, doctors and nurses managed to save her life but the girl suffered cerebral palsy due to malnutrition.


Before the child was taken to a hospital, her father reportedly asked an ‘herbal’ health club for advice and he was told to give her child stomach tea.

But despite dismissing health advice from doctors and nurses, the mother and father, who have since separated, have avoided jail for putting their baby on an extreme vegan diet.


The parents have been ordered to serve a 12-month community corrections order. They were also required to undergo mental health treatment.


News Corp also reported that the mother wiped tears from the eyes as the sentence was announced.

Judge Claire Quin said that mercy was exercised while handing down their sentence.


The child, who is now 3 years old, is being taken care of by her mother, who Judge Quin said has a ‘commitment and devotion’ to ensuring her daughter has proper nutrition.


With managed healthcare and proper diet, the child’s overall health has improved.

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