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Parents Beat 200 Million To One Odds And Conceive Identical Triplet Girls

Sian Williams and her boyfriend Aaron Palfrey have been blessed with not one but three girls, all of them being identical.


They conceived identical triplets naturally, without the help of any fertility drugs, beat the 200 million odds and had their daughters, Jorgie, Belle, and Olivia.

Watch the video Clip about this family:

Video Credit: Emma smart Photography


The couple lived in Cwmbran of South Wales and had the daughters last year in May.

They said that it is challenging to take care of three girls at once; nonetheless, it is pure bliss to watch them grow.

The moment was special for Sian and Aaron; every sister will have two other people by her side always.


How do you think they identify who is Jorgie, Belle, or Olivia. The task was difficult, but they were determined and creative. They have painted the toenails of their daughter, which helps them to recognize who is who.

They said that they had replaced their Mercedes with Land Rover so that they can fit in three baby seats at a time.


The couple found out about this when they went for their fifteenth-week scan. The doctor picked up not one but two heartbeats and then a third one was heard too. The couple was stunned at the news, they were happy with one child but having three at a time felt amazing to them.


At 32 weeks, Sian was taken to the hospital for a C-section, right after the delivery, the girls were taken away to intensive care units as they weighed just 2lbs 14 oz and 3 lbs 2 oz.

Sian said, “We couldn’t hold our little girls for days, but when we did, the feeling was massive. Aaron’s face reflected utmost pride. It was hard to believe that these jewels were ours!”


She added that she and Aaron are great together taking care of their daughters, but the fact that her mother lives right next door helps too.


The arrival of these little girls was like the ray of sunshine on a night. Sian was going through a very difficult time after losing her father and grandparents, all in a year.

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