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Owner Found Out Her Parrot Made The Shopping List And Was Trying To Order Her Favorite Meals

bibi.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Owner Found Out Her Parrot Made The Shopping List And Was Trying To Order Her Favorite Meals

Parents already know how children can pick things up real fast, including behaviors, decision making, and languages.


Just like the saying goes, “Monkey see, Monkey do.” This is why parents and guardians have to be a role model in front of their little ones as they can become their mini versions in no time.

When it comes to having a feathered child with an emotional and mental development of a 4-year-old, same rules may also apply. You do not want them to do certain things they see you do while you are away.



African Grey Parrots are known for their intelligence and ability to mimic human speech, making these creatures one of the most popular avian pets. They can memorize up to 1,000 words and string sentences together.


This means that Grey parrots don’t just spit words out. They can also understand what they are talking about! These birds can also be a good candidate for a debate!

alexparrotThe New York Times


One of the most famous African Grey parrots is Alex. He knew shapes and colors, could count, and could also identify what material any item was made of. Alex also learned how to use phrases correctly. The night before he died at the age of 31, his last words to his owner Dr. Irene Pepperberg were, “You be good, see you tomorrow. I love you.”


Bibi, an 11-year-old African Grey, has also learned quite a lot of terms. However, her owners Kelly and Greg recently found out that their feathered child has been using her knowledge in a way they never anticipated.



It turns out that this incredible bird already knows how to say “Alexa.” Then, she created a long shopping list through the family Amazon Echo.

Kelly and Greg were confused when they found 19 items in their shopping list. They decided to ask Alexa what was on the list, and they soon figured out who created it.



The owners filmed Alexa reciting all 19 items. “We laughed until tears were streaming down our faces,” she shared. “It appears that most — if not all — of the items were added to the list by Bibi, the bird.”


Kelly pointed the camera at the culprit many times throughout the video, but Bibi looks like she was also having fun about what she did.



This just shows that intelligent birds are quite believable in their mimicry. Even Bibi was able to outsmart a device that has been set up to recognize specific voices. To prevent this from happening again, the owners have taken extra measures.


Fortunately, we disabled the automatic-purchase feature of the Echo,” Kelly said, “otherwise we’d be up to our necks in the bird’s favorite food.”

For providing the world another reason to laugh so hard, we hope that Bibi got at least a few strawberries. Watch the video below to hear what this funny bird ordered from Alexa!