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Airline Passenger Used Her Feet To Control The TV Screen

1 56.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Airline Passenger Used Her Feet To Control The TV Screen

A woman was found swiping a plane’s touch screen with her toes, sending waves of anger on social media.


Besides being gross, the act is strange for the reason that bare-feet aircraft travel is banned.

The 35-second video clip showing the woman using her feet to control the touch screen was shared on Twitter by user Erik Olvera.

Watch it below!


[rumble video_id=v60wtb domain_id=u7nb2]

Video credit: Rumble

“I fly a lot and this, by far, is the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen on a plane,” Olvera captioned the clip that offended almost every viewer.

He added: “Bringing #antibacterialwipes. Where’s @NaomiCampbell when you need her in-flight wipe down advice?”


The video soon became viral and captured 2.6 million views and about three thousand retweets.


Agreeing that the woman’s behavior was unsanitary as well as disturbing, several users expressed anger in their comments.


“What the h*ll is wrong with people,” wrote someone.

“OMG! Pigs do fly!” criticized another.

“Barefoot on a plane is already all kinds of wrong but this is horrific,” added another.

A user said the way the passenger was swiping screen using her toes demonstrates that she wasn’t doing it for the first time. “That person looks like they’ve practiced foot scrolling a lot,” the user said.


“In 1st class looking like low class,” said another.

When someone asked if the woman’s arms were alright, Olvera replied: “Her arms were just fine. She carried her expensive luggage on/off the plane.”


He added that the woman was really annoying as she was using her hands “to throw back cocktails and take snacks from the galley when the FA [flight attendant] wasn’t around.”


While almost every Twitter user condemned the woman for her uncultured manners, a viewer took her side, calling her actions “passive-aggressive” and claiming that she seemed to have “entitlement issues.”

The person wrote: “A confrontation would probably only result in them playing the victim or pretending to have a handicap — anything that allows them to get attention and rage.


“The kind of person who’ll never admit they’re wrong.”


