Categories: Healthlife

People Are Turning Their Christmas Lights Back On To Spread Cheer Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

Many people are turning their Christmas lights on to spread some cheer amid the coronavirus pandemic.


Even though it is not clear who came up with the idea, a lot of Twitter users share pictures of their homes lit up with hashtags #CoronaKindness and #LightsForLife.


One Twitter user shared photos of decorated houses on their street and wrote: “Today a few of my neighbors decided we needed a bit more light in this dark time and decided to turn their Christmas lights back on. I hope it brings a smile to your face like it did mine.”


Another tweeted: “My mom thinks people should start putting up Christmas lights in their windows to remind each other that there is still life & light while we #StayTheFHome. I think she’s on to something.”


Some people said they are putting their lights back up to brighten up their street while others say the lights help entertain and make them feel safe.


Lana Grindle, a Mikwaukee-based broadcaster, wrote on Twitter: “What if we all put our Christmas lights back up? Then we could get in the car and drive around and look at them. That seems like a fair social distancing activity.”


Another Twitter user write: “All my social distancing homies – get ya lights out today #LightsForLife . . . and the darkness does not overcome it.”


Some mentioned how lucky they are that they felt lazy to put down their Christmas lights and all they needed to do is to turn them on.


“World getting you down? We are so lazy that we never took down our Christmas lights. So, we turned them back on! #behappy #COVID19,” one wrote.


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