Categories: FamilyFunlife

People Left In Stitches As Little Girl Spent 20 Minutes Of Nativity Play Showing Her Middle Finger

A mother was left in stitches when her little girl spent 20 minutes of nativity play trying to show her mom her finger was sore, but she flipped off the audiences in the process.


Carla Bovington and other parents were watching a Christmas show when her 5-year-old daughter, who was supposed to portray an angel, started raising her middle finger.

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At one point, Ella even raised both her middle fingers.


Carla pointed out that her daughter had been complaining of a hangnail on her finger and just wanted to show it to her mom. Of course, the child was ‘completely oblivious’ to the meaning behind the gesture.

“It was so funny because she didn’t realise what she was doing,” she expressed. “She likes to let me know if she’s at all injured, so she was basically trying to show me what she had done from across the room. It was the tiniest little hangnail as well.

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“Then she put both her fingers up because she was trying to compare to see if both fingers were hurt.


“It was pretty much for the majority of it she was there with her middle finger up. Because I didn’t run over there she kept holding it up as if she was saying, ‘mum, look!’.

“A couple of the teaching assistants had a bit of a giggle. I think where she was standing, and the fact that you don’t watch one child the whole time, I don’t think everyone noticed.

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“A few of the older children whispered, ‘Ella’s got her finger up’. Everyone seemed to know what she was doing, but yeah there were a few laughs here and there.”


Carla continued: “I was thinking, ‘oh god, Ella please stop’. Because she was doing it so innocently I think most people were thinking, ‘oh bless her’.

“That’s what made it so funny as well, because she was completely oblivious.”

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The mother added: “I posted the photos online and she had lots of laughing reactions and funny comments.


“She obviously doesn’t have social media but I was showing her how many people thought it was funny.

“She wanted to say thank you to everyone for liking her picture, but then she said, ‘I don’t know what’s funny though’. She doesn’t get what the joke is.”

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