Categories: +AnimaisAnimals/Petslife

A Dog That Was Abandoned By The Owner On The Side Of The Road Found A Loving Home

It’s a terrible thing when an owner deliberately cast off their pets and left them to die.


To witness an animal in agony and pain is hurtful, and knowing that another person is the cause behind that pain is heartbreaking. But hope is not lost, so many people still today care a lot about animal rights and do their best to help poor creatures.

One such case showed the level of human kindness when a poor soul was recovered from a footpath when he became the victim of an accident that could nearly end his life. But thanks to the people there that helped him to relive his life.

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Gallatin county animal shelter in Sparta Kentucky showed a kind gesture when they decided to take in a puppy last month who retrieved from a carriageway after a horrible accident.  But before anyone could help the little soul, he became a victim of a hit and run. The shelter provided the news on their Facebook post.


The puppy suffered several injuries that included two broken femurs. The injuries were so severe that the dog was not able to stand. The vets performed several surgeries to mend the dog’s broken femurs. He again got submitted to the care of the HART animal rescue in Cincinnati.

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Even though the surgery went well, the puppy is still not out of trouble. The relieving news is that good people are taking care of him. They also look after him so that he can recuperate from his injuries.  The puppy is now called Nike.


To check any further bone injuries, HART performed x-rays on Nike. The result assured that there was no spine injury. The first surgery was not as much success, so the doctors rescheduled another surgery.

DR Gary Smith said that  Nike was struck by a car that resulted in the breakage of growth plates on both of his knees.  Right now, Dr. Smith is the caretaker of Nike at the county animal hospital in Ohio.

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HARTS Shari Wyenandt said that she is feeling for Nike.point 168 |   When people heard about Nike’s miserable story, they were inspired to help Nike to get over his situation.point 265 |


   “Doggie Paddles LLC” in Florence Kentucky has volunteered to provide water therapy for Nike.point 95 | Even though Nike is now on the way to recovery, but the road to health is still a long way to go.point 171 | 1

He will also be needing physiotherapy to walk again. Although the expenses are too high, this little muffin is worth every penny.

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Nike new owners are eagerly waiting for him.  He has gone through so much misery and agony that now he deserves just love and kindness.


Regarding Nikes identity, some people think he is the sibling of their dog because of his resemblance to them.

To help the abandoned animals or victims of accidents visit the HARTs website. Don’t forget to share this heartrending with your friends and family


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