Categories: Animals/Petslife

‘Tiny Paws Art!’ Adorable Pet Rats Are Making Mini Paintings

Adorable pet rats have gone viral after their owner taught them how to create mini paintings using nothing but canvas, paint, and tiny paws.


The idea behind Tiny Paws Art was brought to life by Steph Toogood who probably never thought that she and her pets would one day be famous for rat art.

©Steph Toogood – Toogoods Tiny Paws – Facebook

As the woman admitted in one of her social media posts, she got the idea that her rats could make mini paintings after one of her pets died and she captured its pawprints for remembrance.

©Steph Toogood – Toogoods Tiny Paws – Facebook

“I thought it would be lovely for my boys to do something similar when they were with me to keep when they’re gone, so I got some mini canvases and paint, and they’ve created memorial pieces for me to keep,” Toogood explained.

©Steph Toogood – Toogoods Tiny Paws – Facebook

After posting pictures of her rats’ paintings online, however, the proud owner quickly realized people were very fond of rat art.


Following a number of requests for rat paintings, Steph launched Tiny Paws Art and started selling the works of her 12 rats.

©Steph Toogood – Toogoods Tiny Paws – Facebook

Nevertheless, she insisted that her pets are primarily her friends and not artists.


“They’re my best friends, and they will not spend their lives covered in paint, no matter how high the demand is for their art right now,” she explained in a post.

©Steph Toogood – Toogoods Tiny Paws – Facebook

She also took the newfound fame as an opportunity to promote rats as pets.

©Steph Toogood – Toogoods Tiny Paws – Facebook

“I don’t want to use this page just for their art – I aim to promote the keeping of rats as pets and their welfare, as well as sharing what the boys get up to outside of painting,” Steph explained.


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