Categories: lifenews

A Pet Sitter Hired Through An App Was Caught Throwing A Puppy To The Ground

When we go on holidays, we get worried about our pets.


It is the biggest concern that who will take care of our dog.

Rover is the source that offers a directory of local dog-walkers, pet-sitters, drop-in carers, and groomers.

Their website states that “All new sitters pass a basic background check. All sitters provide a detailed profile and personal information,” and “All sitters are approved by our team of sitter specialists.”


Most people have received a good service from it.

But Amanda Roy and her husband, from Victorville, California, are not that lucky, they had a scary incident with the pet sitter they selected through Rover.


When the couple booked their sitter (named McKenna P., according to a message the couple posted in a group called High Desert Pets), they fully trusted her to care for their 10-week-old puppy, Lucy.


Thankfully, the house was secured by the cameras. While they were on their trip, the couple got a motion alert and clicked to view a horrible encounter. The video shows the sitter walking across the kitchen floor with the yellow puppy in her hands. Suddenly, she throws the puppy down on the floor.


The puppy struggled to stand up again, and Amanda’s husband immediately intervened, shouting at the sitter through the security camera feature. She said she was sorry. He told her to leave.

The couple is really scared from the incident, and they share this story to warn others of pet sitter stranger danger. if you hire someone online, you never really know who you’re letting into your home to care for your beloved pet.


“It’s heartbreaking because the reason we use a pet sitter is that we love our pet and we don’t want to leave her unattended for very long because she is a baby,” Amanda said, according to KABC.


“So, we trusted someone to come into our home and look after a pet that we consider a family member.”

Rover has responded to the video by terminating her listing and offering to compensate the family for medical bills.

“The activity depicted in this video is shocking and appalling,” Rover said in a statement, according to KABC.point 281 |


“We have permanently deactivated this sitter from our platform and will continue to investigate.point 85 |  Any incident of this nature is extremely rare on our platform, and we take it very seriously.point 164 | Additionally, we have offered to pay for any veterinary expenses that may have been incurred as a result of this incident.point 266 |


We have been assisting local law enforcement with their investigation and will continue to offer support.point 90 | point 93 | 1

Little Lucy is well, and her owners will be more cautious about who they are trusting in the future.