Categories: FunQuiz

95% Of Viewers Didn’t See The Mistake In This Picture! But Can You Spot It?

find the mistake 1.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - 95% Of Viewers Didn't See The Mistake In This Picture! But Can You Spot It?

Whether we like it or not, oddities and inconsistencies are all around us wherever we go.


Though you may not always be able to do anything about the flaws you see in real life, we can help you improve your observation skills and spot the mistakes faster by giving your eyes a proper exercise.

Let’s start by taking a look at the picture below. There is a big error hiding somewhere in it, but only a few people can actually figure out what it is. Can you?

Credit – GPuzzles

In the picture, you can see a doctor smiling while looking at a mom who had just given birth to her baby. The woman is holding the newborn child in her hands as the baby stares at her with admiration in his eyes.


The image also makes it clear that the woman is still lying in her hospital bed, meaning that she probably just gave birth.

If you pay attention to details, you may also notice a large wall-mounted clock in the background. It appears the time is just over 10 pm or am.

Source – Pixabay

But where’s the mistake that you were tasked with finding? Did you spot the error yet?

While we can’t reveal too much so as not to spoil the fun, we can tell you that the error is quite big and you won’t be unable to unsee it once your eyes are set upon it.


Here’s a pro tip: don’t focus on the people too much and other details will begin to emerge!

Credit – GPuzzles

As you can see, the error was hiding in the clock this entire time. There is the letter ‘B’ where number 8 should be located.


Now that you’re done with the first visual test, it’s time to bring forth the second picture puzzle. Get ready!

Credit – GPuzzles

This time, you’re looking at a young lady who’s getting ready for a party. She just applied makeup and is looking at herself in the mirror to make sure she didn’t miss a spot.


But somewhere in there, a terrible mistake can be found. Spot the error in 30 seconds to pass the test!

Credit – GPuzzles

How quickly did you pass these tests? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more puzzles and riddles, follow us on Facebook!