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“Planet Earth Is DOOMED”- Greta Thunberg Reveals Chilling Prediction For The World

Social activist Greta Thunberg recently revealed her expert prediction regarding planet earth to the world and it’s awfully grim, to say the least.


“The entire planet earth is f*cked up unless we plan on making changes in our ways that will fix humanity and its majorly broken relationship with nature as a whole.” The verdict was recently a part of her brand new short film that came with the title ‘for nature’ which urges citizens from different nations of the world to come forward and make a change before it’s too late.

Source: The New Yorker

Thunberg mentioned in ‘For Nature’ how we were all so busy causing irreversible harm to the environment and that if we don’t plan on changing our ways soon, we would be on our way to sheer destruction and a shortage of both land and food too.


Her short film was released on the 22nd of May, a date that marked ‘World Biodiversity Day’ where she summed up all the stakes perfectly with, ‘it’s simple, if we don’t plan on changing, we are f*cked.’

Source: Ecowatch

The short film has been written in collaboration with Mercy for the Animals, which focuses upon the imminent role of both animal agriculture and the role it plays in the climate crisis. It also goes about urging viewers to quickly change towards a more plant-based diet too.

Source: Global Citizen

On the other hand, Thunberg also reveals the harmful destruction being done by consuming meat as well as a countless array of different animal-based products too. These not only hurt the environment but also go about pointing how 83% of most agricultural land upon planet earth has been used for feeding livestock.

Source: News Hub

Thunberg also shed light upon how humans industrialized the concept of life on earth and soon, our own actions would have to pay for the destruction being done to both our habitats and that of wildlife, leading to the complete extinction of different species as a whole.