Categories: Animals/Petslife

Police Discovers Dog Taped Up On Side Of A Road, Makes Sure Justice Is Served

A Jefferson County Sheriff’s Deputy is being hailed a hero for saving an abused dog and making sure justice is served.


The cop was on patrol early morning and was covering the area around Schneider Road and Old State Road M when he noticed a dog on the side of the road.

As the Missouri deputy checked closer, he was stunned to see an elderly Dachshund bound with tape and abandoned in the freezing cold.


When he approached the dog, it was evident that it was having a difficult time to survive especially in the harsh Missouri winter.


The dog had to go through a whole night in the freezing temperature until the deputy came, and he’s not letting the canine quit now.

He picked the pooch up and took him to his vehicle. Animal control took a look at the dog, Jimmy, and brought him to Ivan Animal Hospital in House Springs.


Veterinarian Dr. Laura Ivan told Fox2 News: “His prognosis looks very good. He has a little bit of a residual head tilt which basically implies that he is off balance a little bit, which when they tilt their head they’re actually seeing straight ahead of us. But he’s been happy, he wags his tail a lot, he’s active, he’s eating.”


The cop was smart enough to keep every bit of the tape as evidence.

Jefferson County Sheriff’s spokesperson Grant Bissell said: “The deputy having that forethought to save that duct tape and took it back to the evidence lab and the techs worked on it for hours and they were able to slowly peel that duct tape apart and they found a fingerprint on the sticky side of it.”


The fingerprint let them to Paul Garcia, 39, and he was arrested on charges of animal abuse. He is being held with a $50,000 bond.


The Animal Hospital shared a photo of ‘Jimmy’ and his real owner recognized him right away. Katie Kofron commented: “His name is Flick he’s been my dog for 13 years.”

She added that someone had stolen Flick from her yard when she allowed him to go out to pee.


The two have been reunited and Flick is now a happy dog again!

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