Categories: Entertainmentlife

Portable Office-Tent Has Made Working From Home An Absolute Breeze


With the coronavirus lockdown in place, a lot of people have no choice but to shelter at home.


But that doesn’t mean one can’t keep working.

Unfortunately, while the concept of working from home is a dream that most people hold, it’s not always practical.point 152 | Set aside the question of whether one’s job can even be performed at home, if one has someone else living in the house then they can easily distract you from doing your work.point 300 |


Sudden calls for help in the laundry or putting Junior to sleep certainly won’t win any points with the boss during a conference call although they’re probably enough to elicit a few chuckles.point 172 | 1

Suffice to say, working from home can also be a challenge especially if you don’t have space at home for work.


But a Japanese company has decided to address this issue and has come up with the 200 Tent001 privacy tent, as it’s translated from Japanese. You can just set this tent up in any room in your house and instantly create a miniature workspace that should make it more conducive to work from home.


Folded, it can easily be carried and is shaped like a disc. But once you expand it, it’s a human-sized fabric cubicle that can house a chair and small table. The product comes with a mini-tutorial so that you can easily unfold and refold it.


The company is marketing it as a work and/or gaming space but it’s really up to you how you want to set it up. You could have a quarantine party, host a conference call, study, or even paint miniatures while maintaining a modicum of personal space.


Of course, it’s not soundproof so if the television or radio is blaring in the background or the kids are playing, they can still be overheard.


Still, there’s a lot to be said about having a designated space for work in order to get yourself into the right mindset to get something done.


The office tent also has a skylight and even a side window so that you can allow natural light in but it also comes with a hook so that you can hang a light inside. You can also position the tent underneath the room’s lighting so that it shines through the skylight.


To stop the tent from wobbling, there are also pockets where you can place bottles of water.

The product costs 8,000 Japanese yen, roughly 68 Euros or 74 US dollars.

