Categories: Healthlife

You will be Surprised to Know What this Cab Driver Did as a Precaution from the Coronavirus

It is high time for the Chinese cabbies to realize that they should take all the measures to protect themselves from the coronavirus.


Guess what did they do to protect themselves?

They wore a Hazmat Suit to avoid the virus while driving their cars.

There has also been a video clip showing their outfit which got viral quite recently.


The video is somewhat funny only.


It depicted a yellow decontamination suit, hooded up fully.

The outfit was accompanied by a pair of goggles and a surgical mask for protection.

Although it looks funny in the video, it is very important to take such measures.

A woman who was traveling to the airport of the capital city made the video of the driver.


We also recommend each one of you, reading this, to also take extra care and measure to protect themselves.


We know the hazmat suits are weird because everyone is using a mask.


But, safety is more important than looks.

The deathly virus made its way to close 170 human lives in China.

This is surely a global emergency as the virus is taking place in different corners of the world.


Unfortunately, 8000 people have been confirmed infected with coronavirus in the world.


The situation is alarming.


The passenger in the car asked the driver- are all the other cabbie drivers also dressed in the same way? The driver responded that he had to take care of himself and his whole family.


He does not want even a single sort of infection in his body so that he can keep his surroundings safe. He also kept a bottle of sanitizer with him.


It is quite obvious that the daily routine cannot be called off because that will lead to major problems.


So it is important to make yourself fully protected.


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