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Mother Who Joked About Feeling Pregnant 6 Weeks After Delivery Found Out She Really Was Pregnant

diana 5.png?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Mother Who Joked About Feeling Pregnant 6 Weeks After Delivery Found Out She Really Was Pregnant

Expecting a baby is one of those crucial moments for a couple when they are overtaken with emotions.


It’s no ordinary thing, so much as it excites and overwhelms a couple with joy it is also accompanied by a tinge of panic. You want everything to go right so you plan everything meticulously.

It was nothing different for Eliza Curby and her partner Ben when the doctor’s revealed that their family is going to expand soon. Although it happened only after three months since they started dating, but the couple always wanted to start a family. Therefore the timing of the news couldn’t have been any better so both of them were excited to welcome a new life into their very own clan.


Months later they were gifted with a beautiful daughter Charlie. Fortunately everything went as planned and Charlie was born as healthy as can be. Eliza was grateful for the successful delivery but she had a feeling as if there was something wrong. No matter how hard she tried she couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off.


Eliza shared the tale of their unconventional love story with

We fell pregnant with our first, Charlie, three months after we started dating!

Ben had always been super keen to become a father so we were over the moon at the thought of creating our own little family.


Needless to say the decision was taken out of his hands – I win!”


Everything was going great for the family. The couple was living their dream of becoming parents and both were infatuated by their daughter. Still, there was something about Eliza’s body that made her feel uncomfortable. She felt strange without any apparent reason.


Eliza remained exhausted and tired all the time as if she was pregnant again. No one paid heed to the idea as it had only been six weeks since her delivery and everyone rightly thought that all the fatigue Eliza was experiencing was natural. We all know growing a baby and giving birth takes a lot out of a woman!


She told how Ben reacted when she brought up the subject of being pregnant again:

“I was exhausted trying to figure out the ins and outs of being a mum, but about a month after having Charlie though I felt really, super exhausted.


 Everyone told me it was sleep deprivation catching up with me but I was not convinced – I remember looking at Ben and saying, ‘I think I’m pregnant.’

He just laughed.”

Ben was amused by the thought because he knew how chaotic their past six weeks were, hence the chances of another baby were impossible.


However, having gone through the experience of giving birth recently, Eliza was convinced that she was pregnant again. It took her four at-home pregnancy test to convince everyone else of the same.


The test confirmed that Eliza was pregnant again!

It was hard to believe but when even the doctor confirmed that the test results were accurate, all doubts were removed. Moreover, the doctor shared another news that even caught Eliza off guard.


She shared what happened in the doctor’s office that day with

The technician seemed awkward and uncomfortable, before he finally said, ‘Look, it’s early days…. but…. I think there’s two.’


 And it turns out there was!

I was so scared but secretly super excited – I think everyone has a secret desire for identical twins.”

Although the family had had many fraternal twins in the past but this was the first time for identical twins. Therefore everyone was excited and nervous at the same time.


Fortunately, it all went smoothly and Eliza and Ben became parents of twin boys after 36 weeks.

The boys were born healthy and in perfect condition. The latest editions to the family after Charlie were named Wolfe George Harry and Jack Antony Richards. After their arrival, a couple became a family of five just in a years’ time!


The couple confesses that handling three children under the age of one at the same time is not an easy thing to do, but they wouldn’t have it any other way.


Eliza is going through one heck of an experience. Most of her day is consumed in taking care of her triplets, as one can imagine. The activities range from countless diaper changes, pit-stops, breast feeding and what not. Despite her tiring routine Eliza has managed to start her own blog called “twingenuity” in which she shares how the arrival of the triplets made her life crazy and filled it with love.


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