One’s stance on abortion is considered to be so central to some that it is widely considered one of the most reliable parameters in determining their political views.
However, some have suggested that there may be a common path in between – being morally pro-life and politically pro-choice.
While there are those who are on the extreme ends of the spectrum, many more lie somewhere in between the two political slogans. For instance, one may believe that life begins at conception and would generally discourage abortion yet still support the right to choose.
The above argument is a great example that shows one aspect to the debate – it is neigh impossible for anyone to accurately define when exactly life begins. Depending on one’s religion or beliefs, life begins somewhere between conception to the moment the fetus is born.
More importantly, there is no objective consensus in the scientific neither. New York University Biology professor Arthur Caplan said even the most revered scientists in the fields all disagree as to when exactly a cell can be considered as a living being.
Another side to the debate is that strict abortion rules that have been imposed to protect and uphold the sanctity of life sometimes does exactly the opposite for both the baby and the mother.
From miscarriages to more personal reasons, there are mothers who consider getting an abortion because they do not want their babies to suffer in pain. While it is a weak argument to be made in the courts, it is not difficult to empathize with those mothers on a personal basis.
Even staunch detractors of abortion will agree that abortions should be allowed if the mother’s life and health is in danger. Some have argued that the mother knows her body much better than anyone else, especially the government, concluding that thus the mothers should be allowed to choose.
Empirical evidence shows that policy interventions that show great correlation with reduced abortion rates are high-quality sex educations and provision of birth control methods. This may be something that both aisles of the political spectrum may agree on.
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